Simple, Joyful Holiday Plans

What feelings does the holiday season bring up? Do you find yourself already stressed out by all you think you have to do? If so, here are some tips to help you get ahead of the game and be able to slow down and enjoy the season.
Holiday Planning – First up, download our free holiday planner here. It will help you do a “brain dump” of things you want to do/bake/buy & see. It has a space for a holiday intention. This holiday season, I commit to: ______. And I love the line on it that reads “Shop mindfully, give joyfully and breathe easily.” We also have a free gift log download to keep track of who you need to buy gifts for and what your budgeted and actual amount spent is.
Put down your phones – I read a tip recently from @homeandheartmom about how she decorated a holiday gift box for everyone in the family to stash their phones in during family time. Love it and going to do that this week.
Fun Family Photos – I love taking a fun family photo each year photobooth style with silly glasses like these. We print these and use them as a holiday thank you notes to grandparents.
Have Fun – Commit to going outside and playing with your kids or grandkids in the snow or go iceskating! Be silly and laugh!
Give Generously – Focus on the real meaning of the season – service & giving. Here are some ways we like to give back during the holidays.
Let Go – Let go of holiday traditions that no longer serve you or ones that you can take a year off from (covid is a great excuse to lessen the expectations in terms of travel & gift giving this year).
Shop mindfully – Stay within your budget. No one wants you to go into debt to buy them presents. I like to gently remind the grandparents that gift cards or donations for the kids college funds are greatly appreciated. We don’t need more stuff. Make a list and budget and stick to it. Download our free gift tracking log here.
Family Ornaments – We also order a family ornament each year for the tree and one special one for the kids (that will be part of their collection someday when they have their own home and tree). This is the one we chose this year that we bought at a local shop but linking online to it here.
Practice hygge – Pronounced “hoo-ga,” this Danish concept cannot be translated to one single word but encompasses a feeling of cozy contentment and well-being through enjoying the simple things in life. Think cozy blankets and chai tea and reading next to a warm fire.
Bake – Plan an afternoon to bake cookies (get your recipes & supplies together now) and salt dough ornaments.