Before beginning to dream and plan for what the new year can look and feel like in your Commit30 Planner, it’s so important to reflect on the year you just had. The word reflection derives from the Latin relexio, which means the act of bending back to take a closer look. I love this. It's also a great time to celebrate and acknowledge what you did accomplish! Download our free Top 10 list to help with that!

Some things I like to reflect on:
- What did work?
- What didn’t work?
- What were the highlights & some of our favorite memories as a family?
- What do we want the new year to look like?
- What do we want more of and less of in the new year?
For example - I really love paddle boarding, hiking and traveling - how can I do more of that next year? Meal planning and nightly dinner prep is a pain point for me - how can I make that easier while still being committed to feeding my family healthy meals?
As you go about setting goals for the new year, check in with yourself to make sure that the goals you establish are aligned with what you truly want and what matters most to you and not simply what is expected of you.
When beginning your annual planning, make sure to block out time in your planner for school breaks, vacations, special events, work trips and known deadlines. You can see where there are gaps or where there are super full months so you can plan ahead.