Mindful, Joyful & Committed Goal-setting for the New Year

Mindful, Joyful & Committed Goal-setting for the New Year

Many of you are gearing up to dive into your new planners and start setting them up and deciding on your new goals. Here are some tips on setting mindful, joyful goals for the new year. 


Once you determine what your dreams and vision are, you must identify specific goals and supporting behaviors, habits and then COMMIT the time and resources to achieve them.

Please don’t set goals that add more stress and anxiety to your life - set goals that add joy, value, meaning and that help you reach your life vision. A great example of this is don’t set a goal to run a marathon if you really don’t like running. Consider a different health or wellness goal that actually brings you some joy and that you will stick with in the year ahead.

Your VALUES (the principles that are most dear to us) help anchor your decisions and help you make good choices about how you spend your time, energy & resources. 

Your VISION is tied to your values, dreams, hopes & desires. Visualize your success and visualize yourself achieving your goal(s). Imagine what it feels like to _____. This will help you stay motivated. 

Your GOALS are specific things that will get you closer to your vision. Define what are 1-3 of the most important goals, projects or experiences you want to make happen this year. Be laser focused on 1-3 goals, projects or experiences that by reaching them will help you feel happy, content, supported, healthy, etc. Make sure you’re chasing the “right goal” and the right sized goals. Right-size goals are goals that honor our true capacity and our current situations. 

The WHY is your emotional connection to your goals - why is this goal important? How will you feel once you achieve it? How will it change your life for the better once obtained? 

The ACTION is your How (step by step, day by day); What (what daily action can you take to move you closer to the goal); Where and When (where & when will you dedicate time & space to work on this goal). 

The WORK is your planning, prepping and daily habits - making a plan for what you are going to do every single day and preparing for the following day. Every single day you must make a plan for what you’re going to get done - life, work, school, etc. based upon your goals and priorities. You may also want to include plans for meals, movement & meditation and adequate time for your morning routine. Each week I plan and schedule family dinners, date nights, workouts, hikes and coffee with friends. Each month I plan for and schedule family adventures, school commitments, community volunteering, time to visit family, etc.

Get started today with your Commit30 Goal Planner.



Crystal Zieske @ Wed, Mar 06, 24

Really good information here. Thank you, Jenny!

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