Had this fun & relaxing getaway (such great food and friendly people) before this challenging one... I'm still healing up from the big adventure to Havasupai Falls with a pinched nerve. :/ Back to PT I go. On a related note... This video cracked me up so much about middle-age and having a physical therapist/acupuncturist on speed dial - it is so true! ;)

Speaking of videos... Did you know Commit30 is on tiktok? Well, sort of. Every once in a while I’ll post something or have our 20 year old daughter post some stuff, but would love a follow there if tiktok is your thing.
Drinking this fall beverage (love the crisp apple flavor) in lieu of an alcoholic beverage in the evenings or tea on cooler evenings.
Gearing up for our busy holiday shipping season by wrapping up as many personal holiday preparations as I can (family & friend gifts purchased; teacher gift cards purchased; ordering holiday cards early; etc) Download our free holiday planner here.
Anxious as all get out about the upcoming election. Don’t forget to vote.
Reading this series - finally. Oh my. I get it now.
Focusing on a few specific things for Q4 to get me closer to some of my goals I set earlier this year and help set me up for success in the new year.
Setting up my vision board for the upcoming year in my new planner.
Lighting candles every evening just to help bring in a collective calm. Love this local candle company and Anthro’s Capri Blue Volcano.
What are some things you are loving lately?