This year I created some free downloads to help with the annual task lists (home, life, etc.) that we need to do year after year. I print these out to fit in the back notes pages of my Commit30 Planner.

Some of these may include:
- Birthday/Anniversaries
- Doctors, Dentist, Optometrists, Annual Mammograms, Sports Physicals; etc. Appointments
- Veterinary and grooming appointments and kennel reservations
- Auto servicing appointments
- Home cleaning (spring & fall) and servicing appointments (eg. window cleaning).
- Household maintenance tasks (checking filters, fire alarm batteries; winterizing tasks; etc.)
- Landscaping tasks
- Financial tasks and due dates - auto/homeowners insurance; health insurance; etc.
- Sports registration dates; summer camp plans; school registration deadlines; back to school shopping; etc.
- Vacation/spring break travel plans