Our quarterly review process is similar to our mid-year goal review process - the 4 R’s. Review - Readjust - Refocus - Recommit.

A quarterly review is a process where you look back over your previous three months, evaluate your goal progress and create a plan to finish or adjust each goal going forward. A quarterly review is done every three months (or once a quarter) and has so many amazing benefits. Personally, I have found the best success in splitting my goal review process into three types throughout the year - weekly goal tracking, monthly reviews, and more in depth quarterly reviews.
Start by looking at your vision board, your vision circles and top 3 goals for the year in your planner. Begin to look at what you’ve accomplished over the past 3 months. I like to put a little x or IP (In Progress) next to things I’ve done or are in progress. You might feel discouraged that you aren’t further along than you are and that’s okay but it’s important to focus on the steps you have taken and look forward to what you can build on the rest of the year.
Next, look at the goals/vision circles that you haven’t given enough time and attention to. What areas do you need to or want to focus more on over the next 9 months? It might be time to start over in an area or to move in a different direction or to shift your focus a bit. You may need to find a new method or routine to help you get where you need to be. How can you move with more purpose into the second half of the year? Make sure your monthly, weekly & daily focus & time aligns with your year vision and big goals.
So take a look at your planner, journal, photos, budget and calendar to determine how you used your time, energy & resources. What went well? What didn’t? What were some of your most important memories and accomplishments? What did you struggle with? What are you most proud of personally & professionally? What activities, projects or obligations gave you energy and which ones drained you? What were your favorite books you read or adventures you took? How many hours a week did you average moving your body? What are you grateful for this year? How are you progressing on the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? What do you need to focus more on and commit to this next quarter in order to accomplish or make progress towards your goals this year? How can you finish the year strong? How can you head into this next quarter with intention and joy.
What went well this quarter?
What didn’t go well? Could you have done something differently?
What were some of your favorite moments this quarter?
Are my actions, habits, routines getting me closer to my goals? Why or why not?
Here's a flip thru of my planner of the first 3 months.