Back to school time is one of my favorites, as it affords us all an opportunity to get back into the swing of things and re-establish some better routines that may have gone out the wayside (ahem) this summer.
As the kids have gotten older our back to school traditions have changed a bit. It’s gone from a back to school celebration dinner at home with a family theme, crowns and gigantic cupcakes to a family dinner at the kids favorite sushi spot (no crowns or letter board family mottos allowed). ;) It has segued from one on one in store shopping & lunch dates to online shopping (within their predetermined budget/allowance - this gives them an opportunity to search for deals and stretch their back to school dollars or have to use their own savings). I also add on a fun outing with H to something he wants to do (typically the mountain bike park) and nail salon date with S.

We also have a quick family meeting the day before school starts. In this family gathering we go over screen time reminders, school calendars and schedules, lunch and dinner ideas and more. For our daughter in college we have a separate meeting about budgets, financial aid, course selection, apartment/dorm room needs, travel arrangements, etc.
One of the other things we do is help them clean out their closets/drawers/desks and donate things they no longer wear or don’t fit anymore. This also helps us figure out what everyone needs. We also make a list of sports/activity gear for the upcoming year we may need to purchase or borrow. This also typically segues nicely into our fall Declutter Challenge as it gets me in the mood to purge all the closets & spaces in our home.
I also recently read the tip about not scheduling anything “extra” during the first 2 weeks of school than what is absolutely necessary to allow for proper time for adjustment and rest. LOVE.
Here are a bunch of other fun back to school ideas and teacher appreciation ideas on my Pinterest board here.
I also love these tips for more sustainable back to school supplies.
What are some of your back to school tips?