My New Year Goal

The truth is that I’m really, really good at putting everyone else first (my kids, my husbands, my parents, my friends, my customers, people in our community, etc.) but I’m pretty terrible at taking care of ME.
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The truth is that I’m really, really good at putting everyone else first (my kids, my husbands, my parents, my friends, my customers, people in our community, etc.) but I’m pretty terrible at taking care of ME. Add in running a small business during a global pandemic and home schooling/remote schooling the kids and suffice to say my health suffered.

I’d have good months here & there where I’d commit to a 30 day health or fitness challenge and I had months where I’m in my workout zone or meal planning like a nutritionist would. But then life & work got super nutty and I found myself falling into old habits (work, work and more work) and unhealthy coping mechanisms (too much caffeine & alcohol).

So this year I’ve made a plan in my brand new Commit30 Fitness Journal.

A plan for radical self care & optimal wellness and energy.

A plan for keeping this body going on 20+ years cancer free. I’ve already started with my vision board and I’ve been pulling together all of our favorite healthy recipes. I’ve blocked out time this weekend to clean out the fridge & the pantry, meal prep healthy meals for the freezer and deep clean my workout area. I’ve also made a plan for how I’m going to move my body daily (yoga, peloton, hiking, etc.)

Who wants to join me in taking care of ourselves this year – like really, truly committing to it for our health & longevity? Snag your fitness journal here.


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