I’m always so excited for the fresh start of the new year - new adventures, new memories & renewed commitments to living OUR best lives.

But before I do that I like to reflect on the past year - on the good and the misses. On the big memories and simple moments. It’s so important to acknowledge and celebrate your growth, your resilience, your strength and the blessings you may have overlooked. To help you review, here is a free Top 10 of the Year download (we like to fill this out together as a family on New Year’s Eve).
Near the end of the year I like to set aside a morning or afternoon to review my year and set my goals and intentions for the new year. I like to look back at my planner, gratitude journal, photos, budget and family calendar to determine how we used our time, energy and resources. What went well? What didn’t? What were some of our most important memories and accomplishments? What did we struggle with? What am I most proud of personally and professionally? What activities, projects or obligations gave me energy and which ones drained me? How many hours a week did I average moving my body? What am I most grateful for this year? How did I progress on my goals?
Make sure to celebrate your wins this past year and be sure to share them on social media using #commit30!