Joy & Gratitude Journal

My Magic Morning Routine

My Magic Morning Routine My current morning routine (this changes with the seasons & with my families needs). But I always aim to: Start off each day with a grateful heart.

My current morning routine (this changes with the seasons & with my families needs).

But I always aim to:

Joy & Gratitude Journal

Start off each day with a grateful heart. First thing when I wake up I say:

I’m grateful for this day. What a gift. We have one precious life. What is most important to me today? I will use this day as wisely as possibly.

Set a positive intention or affirmation for the day ahead – how are you going to show up today?

  • I receive my blessings with gratitude & joy. Repeat positive affirmation.

Drink a huge glass of water (usually with a wedge of organic lemon).

Start coffee brewing.

Get on my yoga mat & or meditation cushion. Breathe. Stretch. Journal. Set my intentions for the day.

Drink big mug of coffee (with collagen protein powder) & a make a healthy breakfast with the family.

Move my body (either a workout or an outdoor walk) after getting kids off to school.

Limit screen time.

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