Holiday Planning Tips

Holiday Planning Tips for Family, Food and Finances for the upcoming holiday season! Ready or not (we'll help you make a plan).
Holiday Planning Tips

Here comes the holiday season! Ready or not (we’ll help you make a plan).

First up, we are going to get prepared & organized for Thanksgiving and the upcoming holiday season. Download our new free Thanksgiving meal planning pdf here and start planning for the big day here. I should preface this by saying, we are not doing a traditional thanksgiving meal this year for a variety of reasons (one being our oven doesn’t arrive until December – long story). Anyhoo, when we do I always plan out the meal way in advance and prep as much ahead of time as I can so that I can enjoy the day as much as possible. Before the meal use post it notes to designate which food will go on what serving dishes and I ask people to bring a side dish to share.

A jam packed schedule, family stuff, financial strain…does this sound familiar? But it doesn’t have to be that way, friends. You are in control of your holiday plans, your holiday spending & your holiday joy. Download our free, simple Holiday Planning List here. with our Holiday Planning Tips. At the top it has a great mantra that I repeat to myself all holiday season long – “Shop mindfully. Give joyfully. Breathe easily.” Focus on what matters most and forget the rest. Remember, It’s okay to to say no, to cut things out for the sake of your sanity and your joy.

Holiday Planning Tips

The tendency at this time of year is to take on too much leaving us all feeling tired, spent & sick by the time the holiday celebrations come to an end. This year, let’s aim for more manageable expectations. Instead of continuous shopping, select a few special things from some local stores or give the gift of experiences (a movie date or bowling outing). Buy gifts from some small stores instead of amazon. Rather than over-commit yourself & your family, select a few activities you enjoy and can do well and decline the other invites. Pick one or two ways to spread some joy & holiday cheer in your community but don’t feel obligated to say yes to everything.

And most importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself these next 10 weeks amidst all of the fun & chaos – be sure to carve out some time to take care of you (a solo walk, coffee with your bestie, daily meditation practice, snuggling on the couch with a good book, getting a manicure, etc.)

What are some ways you manage the holiday chaos? I’d love to hear!


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