Back to School Time!

Back to School Time!

Back to School Time!


It’s back to school time! Is it me, or did the summer just FLY by? While I’ll miss our days at home all together I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to a bit more of a routine & a little bit of quiet… 😉

For those of you heading back to class soon or for all of you busy moms & dads, we thought we’d share a few our back to school tips & traditions!

1) Back to School One on One Dates with the Kids – We love to take the kids on their own little back to school lunch & shopping dates. We use this time to talk about our goals & feelings about the upcoming school year. It’s a wonderful way to learn what they may be nervous about and talk about what things they’d like to learn & accomplish this school year.

2) Back to School Feast – The evening before school starts we put together a special dinner for the kids complete with a family theme, crowns & huge cupcakes.

Back to School Feast

3) Buy extra – We always build in some extra money into the budget to buy some additional school supplies for any students that may not have been able to get what was needed and for the teachers. It’s a simple way to remind the kids about helping & caring for their classmates.

4) Get Organized – Before school begins I like to go through the kids closets & rooms and clear out clothes/books/backpacks etc. that no longer fit or that they no longer use and donate them to local families in need. This helps clean up their rooms (score) and helps other families (bonus).

5) Lunch & Snack Set up – We put together a make your own lunch & snack bin in both the pantry & fridge. Now that our kiddos are older they help with making their lunches in the morning and packing their healthy snacks. Here are some healthy & easy school lunch & snack ideas.

6) Meal Planning – Once the school year busyness begins I really try hard to plan out our meals based upon afterschool & evening activities (eg. simple dinners/crockpot meals on busier nights). Here’s a free weekly meal planner for you to download & use.

7) Homework Station – I also set up a little homework station (really a drawer in the kitchen that has pencils, markers, paper, flash cards, etc.) so they can sit at the kitchen table and do their homework while we are making dinner.

8) Plan – Your older kiddos may also benefit in beginning to use a weekly planner to keep track of their own schoolwork, afterschool activities, chores, goals, etc. I love to have the kids set goals (personal, spiritual, educational, financial categories are all beneficial).

What are some of the ways you get organized for back to school time?


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