7 Day Goal Jumpstart

7- Day Goal Jumpstart

7 Day Goal Jumpstart

7 Day Goal Jumpstart

Anyone else need a little late summer goal jumpstart to get back on track and feel a little bit better? Time to set some goals!

Day 1 – Rethink your to-do list so that you spend your energy and attention on what matters most. Try to just focus on 1-3 things this week that are a priority to get done.

Day 2 – Get up an hour earlier and do something that feels good – stretch, exercise, read or meditate. Move your body and take some good deep breaths.

Day 3 – Take a 30 minute break in the middle of the day – take a quick walk or go outside and get some fresh air.

Day 4 – Set a date to spend time with a friend who energizes you or who you can talk to. Go for a walk or visit outside at a cafe.

Day 5 – Do something nice for someone today – give a hug, a compliment, drop off flowers to a friend or buy coffee for a stranger.

Day 6 – Spend an hour decluttering your home. Less is more.

Day 7 – Write down 5 things you are grateful for.

Commit to Your Goals Blog

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