Black History Month

Hi friends – I’m taking the month of February off of social media but I wanted to share some resources & books that we are using for Black History Month.
I don’t know about all of you but I didn’t learn nearly enough when I was in school about Black History. So this month (and for the past year) we’ve been focusing on learning more about Black History. And in celebration of Black History Month we are donating planners to the following organizations: The Loveland Foundation – is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on providing therapy for Black women and girls and New Voices Foundation which offers women of color entrepreneurs unprecedented access, capital, and expertise to build, grow and scale their businesses with purpose.
President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month in 1976, calling upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
Here are a few books that we are reading this month with Henry (6th grade).
Henry is really into cars so we are learning about CR Patterson & Sons – it was the first and only African American-owned and operated automobile company.
Our 16 year old daughter just finished To Kill a Mockingbird and is reading The Help.
We also completed these lesson plans for Amanda Gorman’s inaugural poem & this poem of hers. She is also studying about Savannah’s complicated history with slavery (Savannah is the location of one of the colleges she is applying to). In 1859, one of the largest slave sales in U.S. history took place just a short distance outside of downtown Savannah. Remembered as “The Weeping Time,” this historical event was named not only for the families that were torn apart during this time, but also for the heavy rain that occurred throughout the two-day auction.
Here are some other resources we are using for homeschooling this month:
How to teach black history in culturally appropriate ways.
And Scholastic has several grade appropriate lessons.
And I know I’ve mentioned this course before but I love Glo Graphics 30 days & 30 Ways To Be a Better Ally course here.
ps. Our next version of our Holiday Sticker Book (coming out in 2022) will include Black History Month & other culturally appropriate stickers (we are learning and trying to do better).