Ways to Give Back

Ways to Give Back and things to donate to those in need

Ways to Give Back
Ways to Give Back and things to donate to others

The holiday season feels different than other times of the year because so many of us are thinking about others (& ways to give back) and all that is worrisome in the world. We’re searching for special gifts for those we care about, yet, the best gifts can’t be bought with money. The most valuable thing any of us has is our time. We will never have more of it than we have right now. Service is so meaningful because we spend that most valuable currency to help others, to lift them up. This year, especially, there are are so many people in need – in our communities, in our countries and across the globe.

This season, set aside a little time to serve and you’ll notice that holiday spirit you enjoy so much will feel even better. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Clean out your closets and donate extra coats, hats, gloves to a local homeless shelter.
  • Pass out homeless blessing bags (pictured above ones we made).
  • Pass out cups of hot chocolate to outdoor workers.
  • Deliver treats or lunch to your schools staff.
  • Check in on your elderly neighbors and drop off a holiday decoration for their front porch.
  • Plan to spend less on your own family’s gifts, and give a really special Christmas to a local family who wouldn’t have much otherwise.
  • Help a neighbor shovel or plow their driveway.
  • Drop off dinner to a family in need.
  • Deliver hot cocoa fixings to a friends children or a neighborhood family.
  • Make Operation Christmas Child Boxes.
  • Donate to the local food bank or food pantry.


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