Pantry Organization Tips

I drool over the super organized walk in pantries with all glass jars that I see on Pinterest & Instagram like this wall one from Emerson Made and the one in the featured image from @cleanseyourlife. Mine doesn’t look even close to those instagrammable ones but I’m still grateful for the space & the food in it. Once a month I clean it out, make a list of what I have on hand for meal planning, stock up on some items that are running low but used often (eg. canned tomatoes, beans, veggie broth, etc); wipe down the shelves and tidy it up. It’s a great way to use up what you have and also stock up some for emergencies.

Here are some additional tips:

How to save money with a pantry challenge.

Healthy Pantry Items

Healthy Pantry & Freezer Stocking List



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