Our Homeschool Plan

Our Homeschool Plan

Picture of homeschool tasks

We are on round 3 (3 times a charm) for a homeschool plan for our 6th grader. We opted out of his school’s remote learning program as we didn’t think the huge amount of screen time / zoom class would work for him or us and then we tried another state accredited online program that was uninspired at best. We tried it for a week and it just wasn’t working. So I spent an entire weekend devouring homeschool resources, listening to podcasts and talking with my friends who are homeschoolers. What we came up with is a plan that I think is going to be a really good fit for him and us. Some independent online learning (delivered via interactive videos), some khan academy math (they teach it so well), lots of reading, some typing & handwriting practice, some additional hands on science, some art projects that we brainstormed together (including building bird houses for holiday grandparent gifts), daily household chores, life skills and lots of outside time. I wanted to share with you the system we came up with for him to track his daily tasks – simply using post it notes, a clear presentation folder & a dry erase pen. The orange post it notes are his main daily subjects (about 30-45 minutes per subject), Monday – Thursday. The medium sized yellow post-its are additional daily tasks (10-30 minutes each). The small pink post-its are once a week projects or lessons and the large blue post it note is how he can earn an extra hour of ipad time by doing writing worksheets.

Here’s an interview with Khan Academy’s founder, Sal Khan about remote learning that I found really interesting. Here’s a big takeaway from it…“This is not a time to try to be a superhero. This is a time to take care of yourself, and try to focus on doing a few things very, very, very well, and try to draw some healthy boundaries for your family’s mental health.” Yes and yes.

Some books that I’ve been reading about homeschooling (affiliate links):

Wild & Free


Sage Homeschooling

The 5-Hour School Week

Please share with me what’s working for you & your family!



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