Five Sunday Rituals for Calmer Mondays

Five Sunday Rituals for Calmer Mondays

5 Sunday Rituals to help set yourself up for success in the week ahead.

As much as I can, I like to keep my schedule pretty free on Sundays. I typically turn down other invitations and save errands for another day. I keep a chunk of the day free for family time, relaxing and regrouping before the week ahead.

  1. Meal Plan & Prep – Sundays are a great day to meal plan & prep. First, look at what your week ahead looks like. If you have an extremely busy day/night, that is not the time to try any new elaborate recipes but it would be a great night for a crockpot meal. Next, I check the freezer, fridge and pantry to see what I have on hand and can use up before planning out my meals and my grocery shopping list. I also always have on hand a couple of emergency meals in my freezer (cauliflower crust pizza, kale & spinach stuffed shells, chili) so that all I have to do is throw in the oven. This helps avoid the dreaded fast food drive thru issue. I try to prep hard boiled eggs, cut up veggies & muffins for easy, healthy snacks too. Check out my pinterest page for more meal ideas.
  2. Make a Weekly Plan for Life & Work – Sit down with your planner to make sure you’re not missing anything for the coming week. Make a realistic plan for what you can accomplish for the week and if something doesn’t get done, either roll it over to the following week or decide that it wasn’t important and cross it out. If your kids are in school, look at the calendar and see if there are any special activities or things that need to be brought to school during the week. Plan out school lunches and fill out forms. Make sure there is nothing that you will be forgetting later.
  3. Tidy up the house – Try to start off the week with a tidy house – clean off the kitchen counters, catch up on laundry and put things away that have collected during the week. I also like to prep school lunches for the morning and have vitamins & coffee ready to roll Monday morning.
  4. Have a Quick Family Meeting – Sit down as a family and talk about your upcoming week. Remind everyone of the activities/deadlines/events going on. This is also a great time to check in with the kids and see how they are doing & offer them support & encouragement for anything coming up during the week ahead.
  5. Self-care – Give yourself a facial mask, go on a long walk or run, take a long bath or just relax and enjoy a good book. On Sundays I like to do an extra long yoga practice, a face mask (and try to remember to do my teeth whitening trays which I am so bad at remembering any day except Sundays!

What are some of the things you like to do on Sunday to prep for the week ahead?


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