

Orange Tumeric Margaritas


Eating & drinking… pantry goods, lots of soup & orange tumeric margaritas.

Making…wellness care packages for family, neighbors, friends & sewing masks for the local hospital. Also trying our hand at sourdough starter (I’ll let you know how that goes).

Planning… a summer garden and a big party (with a taco bar & Corona beer) that we are going to throw when our friends can come over again. 😉

Sweating… daily walks with the fam, cleaning out our irrigation ditches & streaming the class (free 2 week trial) and peloton (free 90 day trial) classes.

Watching… Homeland, The Biggest Little Farm, Contagion & Outbreak. 😉

Reading… too much news & my current stack. Our local bookstore is offering free shipping with orders of $35+ and free curbside pickup. Check to see how to support your local bookstore too.

Thinking about… Work. Money. Homeschool. Our collective health. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m never going to take my health for granted.

Loving… this online workout, my friend Sarah’s idea for afternoon tea time with the kids (complete with tea & cookies) and decluttering my house.

Grateful for… Orders that come in, a roof over our heads & food in the house. Grateful for all of the people who are working on the front lines of this crisis – the grocery store workers, the custodians, the airport employees, the nurses & doctors, the mail carriers, the amazon warehouse workers, the teachers who are trying to help the kids learn from home & more. Basically sending lots of love & prayers to everyone right now.

What are you currently up to?


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