Founders Favorites...

Prioritizing Taking better care of myself. Pouring into me and my family as much as I can. What is inspiring you lately friends?
Change happens when you take action - Favorite things


My Favorite Things & what I’ve been up to.

Change happens when you take action - Favorite things for Peace

Resting – Prioritizing sleep. Taking better care of myself. Pouring into me and my family as much as I can.

Listening – to this and this on the insight timer app. Loved this podcastI can’t put my level of burnout in words but she does.

Drinking – lots of tea.

Watching – The final season of This is Us.

Noticing – The more time I spend outside the more beauty I find and the more I appreciate it, even with the world chaos going on.

Loving – My daily, mindful walks – no noise, no music or podcasts or talking. Just appreciating nature all around – noticing the sounds, the birds, the crunch of the ice under my boots, etc. Finding magic everyday – at least a moment of magic.

Appreciating – My weekly walking dates with my friends – it’s a great way to fit in a daily walk and catch up.

Moving – I’ve been playing around with a loose “workout schedule” concept – my friend calls it a “workout menu”- what’s important and on the daily menu is my outdoor walks. What’s an appetizer – workouts I would love to do a few times a week (for me – a Tap Class, peloton ride, a peloton bootcamp class and a yoga class). What’s a dessert – something bonus (that I don’t always have time & space for but when I do its magic) – a foam rolling class with LR, a pilates class, etc.

Reading – I’m reading books about wild mushrooms, off the grid living and xeriscaping. Who am I? 😉 Ps – I recommend you NOT google how to survive a nuclear blast. :/ Also reading – This, this and this.

Scheduling – Fridays off. I’ve been taking Fridays for ME. The day I pour into me so I can continue to pour into others. 1. A yoga or pilates class. 2. An extra long walk. 3. Fresh food in the house. 4. Time to read or write. 5. Weekly Date night.

Loving – My new RBA (Ritual Before Anything) skincare line that I discovered recently at Ojo Santa Fe. Fav products include: The Revitalizing Eye Repair, Quench Moisturizer and Soothing Mist.

I still use the following Beauty Counter products too (I’m not a consultant anymore – that was one of the things “I let go of” this year to have more time & space for my family & self-care).

What is inspiring you lately friends?


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