Tips for your own Digital Detox

Taking time away from your phone and social media is proven to benefit your life, sleep & relationships. Here are a few tips on how to take a break from technology or at a minimum have better boundaries.

  • Turn off alerts and notifications (for social media, news, etc.)
  • Set specific times when you will check emails and social media accounts.
  • Set time limits for social media apps using screen time. You can have your partner enter a password for you so you are tempted to “add 15 minutes” to your screen time every time you pick up your phone. 
  • Put your phone away when you are spending time with family or friends so they know they are a priority
  • Do not allow phones at the kitchen table during meals.
  • Leave your phone out of your physical reach during downtime. You will be less likely to check it.
  • Make your bedroom a tech-free zone (we are still working on this). 
  • Limit screen time before bed. Numerous studies show how beneficial it is to not use screens 1-2 hours before your desired bedtime. 
  • Have experiences without documenting them on social media (I also struggle with this as I want a visual record of family outings and adventures but I’m trying to remind myself that it doesn’t have to be shared on social media for me to retain those images & memories for our family). It is true that it is hard to remain in the experience when you are focusing on how you are going to post it to social media.
  • Take a walk. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling, put your phone down and go outside and get some fresh air.
  • I like to keep a book in my bag so if I’m waiting at an appointment or for the kids I can read a book instead of mindlessly scrolling.
  • Join our 30 day Digital Detox challenge here.

What are some of your tips for having better screen time boundaries?



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